User Stories – Meaningful User Narratives
With every search term entered and each subsequent click, users share valuable user stories about their shopping experience on your online store. This allows us to describe the functionalities of your shop system from a customer's perspective. We leverage the strengths and weaknesses from these experiences for your digital project management and development enhancements tailored to your specific business model.
User Stories – Tools for Website Developments by Hob by Horse
User stories address the core questions of who, what, and why. Who are the visitors of your online store? What describes the products, services, and information they are looking for? The 'why' delves into the motivation behind each search. From this, we develop roles to fulfill functionality wishes, tailored to the goal of every internet search.
Examples of User Story Components
Hob by Horse constructs user stories using technical tools based on these example components:
- Story Templates: These templates align with diverse customer expectations across industries and search relevance for your online store, following the questioning principle described earlier. The end of the sentence always captures the reason for the search, indicating your potential for optimizations.
- User Story Effort: It is estimated in person-days or necessary story points before the writing process begins. Criteria and connections, the overall size, and structural features of architectural components required for the story are factored in.
- Acceptance Criteria: The closer your online store aligns with the search motivation of the target audience, the more likely this audience is to accept advertising offers, calls to action, and service components
- Splitting: User stories are a team effort, distributed among multiple team members. They are split into small project goals, with each team member being responsible for one. The combined details create the overall user experience. Afterwards, the overall picture of the users emerges from the assembled details.
As a development team, we are familiar with various variants of a user story based on principles such as INVEST or DEEP, as well as dependencies to other user stories. The creation is necessary as an ongoing service since markets, industries, and user expectations are constantly evolving in the dynamics of digital commerce.
User Stories – as Diverse as Industry Users
Companies in research and development create entirely different user stories compared to retailers in fashion or lifestyle. Machine manufacturers have different application criteria than the end users of their technologies. Tourism, hospitality, and gastronomy, as well as food producers, retailers, and processors, are also in constant flux. The same applies to service providers in fitness, insurance, and the real estate industry.
User Stories, Developed by Hob by Horse or a Precisely Defined Target Audience
The splitting of user stories, in particular, allows for alignment with different target audiences. B2B stories narrate the purchasing experiences of retailers, while B2B consumers share their experiences with fashion items, readers engage with magazines, and avid moviegoers interact with cinema-related content. D2C scenarios often involve manufacturers competing with online shops run by intermediaries, necessitating strategic placement of their self-produced items. Price considerations and flashy advertising campaigns take a backseat for the A2A and A2C audience of government agencies and institutions. These entities require actionable insights based on user stories from end consumers and other governmental bodies concerning the informational content and usability of their offered products, templates, and services.
Do you consider User Stories according to a standard pattern F to be unnecessary and prefer to address visitors more individually? Then contact Hob by Horse via phone or email! We guarantee the development of functional, unique, and highly relevant user stories tailored to the target audiences of all industries, individually crafted for your digital business model.